A Literary Comparison between the Canonization and Reckless Butterfly

Author Details

Movahedeh Sadat Mousavi, Elham Maazallahi

Journal Details


Published: 11 February 2019 | Article Type :


The main purpose of the current study is to explore the essence of love from the two fantastic poems named The Canonization and The Reckless Butterfly and to compare the treatments of John Donne and Attar Neishabouri in respect of a same theme. The research is conducted under the supervision of comparative literature which is an academic system of literary scholarship and it owes a relatively great scope in literature, actually a proper subset. On the account of the comparisons and contrasts which are included herein, the chosen school was the American.

As it is obvious, the philosophy of love and its precious insights are of high importance, ergo these works are selected to observe the aforementioned theme through Persian and English literatures. Moreover, the paper explained that why the subject „love‟ has been the most debatable and controversial one among the poets of different countries. Thus, you will meet the worthy representation of real findings in these master works which are written by Donne, an English poet, and Attar, an Iranian poet. 

Keywords: comparative literature, American school, poems, love.

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How to Cite


Movahedeh Sadat Mousavi, Elham Maazallahi. (2019-02-11). "A Literary Comparison between the Canonization and Reckless Butterfly." *Volume 3*, 1, 12-17